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Title GIR shares experiences in GHG mitigation policy at OECD IFCMA (14-15 November, Paris)
Name GIR
Date 2023.12.19
Views 4,343
On 14-15 November, the first session* of the Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches (IFCMA)** took place in Paris.
*Joint Meeting of the IFCMA at Senior and Technical levels
**The IFCMA is the OECD's initiative that aims to support global commitment to emissions reduction through exchanges of information, mutual learning and inclusive dialogue.


GIR President Jeong Eun Hae presented Korea's experiences in the establishment and assessment of national policies on GHG mitigation. 


President Jeong further discussed the significance of policy design and implementation as well as challenges in improving processes thereof with representatives from IFCMA members including Denmark, Kazakhstan, New Zealand and Norway. 


GIR-IFCMA Bilateral Meeting 

(GIR) Jeong Eun Hae, President
(IFCMA) Justine Garett, Project Lead


GIR-IPAC Bilateral Meeting

(GIR) Jeong Eun Hae, President
(IPAC*) Nathalie Girouard, Head of the Environmental Performance and Information (EPI) Division
*International Programme for Action on Climate