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Title GIR presents Korea's GHG inventory and carbon neutrality policy (31 October, Malaysia)
Name GIR
Date 2023.11.10
Views 4,416
The "Carbon Neutrality - Circular Economy Workshop" was co-organized by Greenhouse Gas Inventory and
Research Center of Korea (GIR), Korea Environment Corporation (KECO) and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Malaysia on 31 October - 1 November 2023.

(President Jeong Eun Hae, second from the left)

GIR President Jeong Eun Hae shared Korea's carbon neutrality policies and experiences of national greenhouse gas inventory management with representatives from Malaysia* and Indonesia**. 
* Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC), Malaysia Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC)
** The Research Center for Climate Change under the University of Indonesia


In her closing address, President Jeong emphasized the significance of strengthened cooperation between
Korea and Malaysia through an MOU between KECO and MGTC for joint efforts toward achieving carbon neutrality and circular economy. Jeong also added that further collaboration with the private sector in development of green technology will boost climate action momentum of two countries.


(President Jeong Eun Hae, fourth from the right)

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