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Title [Daily Journal] Aldo Ozuna Notario - 11 August, 2022
Name Aldo Ozuna Notario
Date 2022.12.26
Views 219

Coordinator's comments:
What a coincidence, I mentioned you in the comments of the previous journal (which was Roberto's) and the very next one is yours!
It was fascinating to talk with you and Roberto during luncheon of the day. I never had a chance to visit countries located in the opposite side of Korea but after meeting with you and fellow trainees from Latin American countries I now wish a wonderful trip to Paraguay-Panama-Colombia-Costa Rica.   
A key holder you gave me on the last day has been on my desk since I returned to the office after the training, and everytime I see it, it takes me back to the time with the 2023 class in Seoul's summer. Thank you for a wonderful souvenir!

p.s. Love the photo of you in front of the stage, Aldo.