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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Reza Fallah - 9 August, 2022
Name Reza Fallah
Date 2022.12.19
Views 524

Coordinator's comments:
How did you go with exercises on the waste sector? I know you actively participated in working on equations given by Mr. Han during the IPPU session, and if I remember it correctly, I had an impression that you did not find them challenging. It would be interesting to hear whether you find either sector easier to estimate emissions than the other.
This year's curriculum included ETS which was kindly explained by Mr. Ritchie. Though ETS is not exactly about how to account and develop the GHG inventory, I considered the topic is relevant to trainees' countries. I hope the ETS session on this day offered you a glimpse of a carbon market.