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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Lini Ariva - 9 August, 2022
Name Lini Ariva
Date 2022.12.19
Views 525

Coordinator's comments:
It's been 4 months since the training programme ended last August but I still vividly remember our days of heavy rain and walking alongside fellow trainees to the class holding umbrellas. Though there was a flood in some suburbs, I was relieved that none of trainees were injured or affected by the rain. Many thanks to you and everyone for participating in the programme very safely.
Reading your journal on Professor Kim's lecture on the Korean case of improving a nation-wide waste management system, I come to think that there is no failure or error that is worthless. Every failure and resistance was inevitable and even necessary to take another next big step. Professor Kim will be very glad to know that you were inspired by the story of Korea's journey shared during his lecture. I have no doubt that Korea's valuable partner countries including Indonesia of course will make remarkable improvements in development of GHG inventory because they have so many young and talented experts(=you guys!).