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Title [Daily Journal] Yoisy Belén Castillo - 7 August, 2022
Name Yoisy Belén Castillo
Date 2022.11.23
Views 500
Name: Yoisy Belén Castillo
Affiliation: Ministry of Environment of Panama
Journal Title: Resting day
Date: 07 August 2022

Today, Sunday, we were supposed to have a class about the energy sector, but this was canceled due to health reasons about the invited professor. 
I try to have some rest in the morning. I wash my clothes and meanwhile watch a Korean drama on the TV. In the afternoon, I went out with some colleagues from the training course to Insadong. We could buy some souvenirs from Korea for our families and friends in our countries. After that, we pass to Myongdong, return to the hotel, and then have dinner at a Korean Barbecue restaurant. Therefore, today’s journey was able to relax and have some rest.
Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures, about this day.

Coordinator's comments:
As it was the second and last weekend in Korea, I see most of you chose to take good rest, do some laundry and start preparing for flying back to hometown like getting yourself gifts for friends and families. Did they like your souvenirs? I hope you were freshened up on this relaxing Sunday.