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Title [Daily Journal] Vanika Bajaj - 3 August, 2022
Name Vanika Bajaj
Date 2022.10.27
Views 325
Name:  Vanika Bajaj
Affiliation:  Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, India 
Journal Title:   Another day of learning and unlearning
Date:  3rd August 2022

The lecture started with the continuation of yesterday’s lecture by Mr. Takeshi Enoki on Basic Inventory. Key topics discussed were as follows:

The lecture started with discussion on the role of IPCC in GHG Inventory Preparation.  The IPCC prepares guidelines for Inventory preparation for developing and developed countries but the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC decide how products made by IPCC are used by Parties. 
Further, there was a discussion on IPCC 2006 guidelines which has five volumes, one for each sector. He also talked about the importance of transparency in preparation of GHG Inventory Preparation.

National Arrangements 
Mr. Enoki elaborated on the common challenges faced by the developing nations. One of the most pressing challenges is that in developing countries is that inventory preparation is mostly project based where adhoc team gets together for the preparation of inventory. But with new ETF coming into operation, there is a need for developing nations to transit from adhoc arrangements to more institutionalized approach and have more permanent teams. 
Further, there was a discussion on about the roles and responsibilities of the team involved in GHG Inventory preparation, QA/QC plan, Institutional arrangements and GHG Inventory Preparation cycle.

Photo 1: Virtual Lecture on National Arrangements

Tools, Manuals and Guidebooks
This section of the lecture focused on the available tools and manuals which may be useful for preparation of GHG Inventory. There was special focus on the IPCC software for Inventory Preparation. 

Cross Cutting Issues 
The concluding part from Mr. Enoki included cross cutting issues such as Data sources, Data considerations and archiving of data.

Photo 2: Lecture on AFOLU Sector by Ms. Sekai Ngarize

After lunch, there was a lecture by Ms. Sekai Ngarize on AFOLU sector. She covered topics related to Agriculture, Livestock including Enteric Fermentation and Manure Management and Land. It was an insightful lecture as she discussed about 2006 IPCC guidelines relating to AFOLU sector for developing countries. She further explained about the methodology to be deployed for each category based on national circumstances.

The last lecture for the day was delivered by Ms. Hanna Cho on Climate Change Adaptation. She discussed about following issues:  Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation trends and Korean Case studies on Adaptation. She explained some of the most important concepts related to Climate Change Adaptation – like Risks, Vulnerability and Exposure.

Photo 3: Lecture on Climate Change Adaptation

The trainees shared their experiences on how respective countries are adapting to impacts of climate change in various sectors like agriculture, Water, Industry etc. It was an interesting session as we exchanged information on what other countries are doing in each sector.

Coordinator's comments:
How did you find lectures of three experts on this day, Vanika? One of the very few good sides of the rearranged schedule due to the pandemic is that a single day could be filled with lectures on more than 2 topics with more than 2 lecturers.
But regardless, we could hopefully have international experts in person next time.
Since Mr. Enoki, Ms. Sekai and Ms. Cho are the one who have been working in this field for a very long time, I am sure that they shared with you theories as well as practical experiences.
It would be wonderful if you find their lectures helpful when working on the inventory.