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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Alilia Fine - 29 July, 2022
Name Alilia Fine
Date 2022.09.14
Views 306


Coordinator's comments: 
It was also my first time to learn about this R studio software. It seemed quite complicated to insert the data, run the program and get the result. I was surprised that you and fellow trainees worked on the software so hard and, more surprisingly, figured out how to do it at the end! You guys really are such talented experts. 
Though the use of R studio is challenging at the beginning, I believe it will be a very useful tool to do emission projections once you are familiarized with it. I am sure you can master it soon because you are one of our proud trainees of the 2022 class.