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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Nani Gopal Das - 1 August, 2022
Name Nani Gopal Das
Date 2022.09.27
Views 352
Name: Nani Gopal Das
Affiliation: Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
Journal Title: Visiting third DMZ (third infiltration tunnel): one of the wonderful memories of the programme
Date: 01 August 2022

I am proud to share about a tour to one of the four DMZs (demilitarized zones) in South Korea to see the third infiltration tunnel in Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do as a part of the 2022 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on Greenhouse Gases. 
It is thought to be built for a surprise attack on Seoul from North Korea. It was only 44 km from Seoul and first identified in 1978 following an underground explosion in June 1978. 
We walked along the tunnel until reaching the third barricade from where we watched the second barricade through a window. 
We had to put on a yellow metal cap to protect head injury with the sharp rocky roof of the cave. It was easy to walk inside, but difficult to get back from the tunnel. Most of us took 2-3 breaks on the way to walking out of the tunnel. 
We watched the bilateral agreement sites between North Korea and South Korea. 
After that we took a wonderful dinner with different vegetable dishes and got back to the residence. 
Taking such a trip in different historical sites certainly adding values to our training.


Coordinator's comments:
I am pleased that our visit to DMZ was memorable to you.
It was also a great opportunity for me to visit such historically meaningful sites with you and fellow trainees and share great memories. 
Thank you for letting us know that DMZ was a good choice!