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Title [Daily Journal] Jermaine Descartes - 30 July, 2022
Name Jermaine Descartes
Date 2022.09.16
Views 314
Name: Jermaine Descartes
Affiliation: Department of Sustainable Development- Saint Lucia
Journal Title: Daily Journal Entry 2
Date: July 30, 2022

The Secretariat scheduled a DMZ Cultural Tour for today. 
Unfortunately, as a Seventh Day Adventist, I was unable to partake in this event. 
Nonetheless, I enjoyed a “Cultural Tour” of a different nature!

The journey began at 8: 35 a.m. 
My fellow trainee, Sebastian and I set off on an adventure to experience Adventism in the beautiful city of Seoul. The destination in mind was the SDA Namyoung International Church. We relied on the famous GPS to navigate our way through the subway and by foot.

Picture 1- GPS Route to Church

We finally arrived at our destination at 9: 15 and was warmly greeted and welcomed by the Church Elder and deaconess.

Picture 2: Church Building

The service began at 10:00, and the programme entailed Sabbath School, Lesson Study Hour and Divine Hour. 
During the Sabbath School, we were asked to tell the congregation a little about ourselves and were again warmly welcomed by the Church. The atmosphere at Church was praise filled, yet serene and holy in nature. Everyone wore bright smiles and their warmth permeated the atmosphere. 
Church at Namyoung bore similarities to church in Saint Lucia. 
However, Seoul’s programme was shorter and differed in the order in which the day’s programme were executed. 
Nonetheless, it was a wonderful experience.

Picture 3-Order of the Programme

I particularly enjoyed the Lesson Study which focused on knowing who God is when trials and temptations are encountered. 
We were able to draw encouragement and spiritual lessons from each other.

Picture 4- Special Music Performed by Church Member

The sermon of the day focused on being knowledgeable and experienced disciples who are able to impart that knowledge and experience to others in order to draw them to Christ. “Our knowledge and experience will proclaim the gospel to the world and lead persons to Christ”, the Pastor encouraged. 
Thankfully, there was English translation and were able to follow through.

Picture 5- Pastor Delivering the Sermon along with English Translator

Coordinator's comments:
I did not know how you spent the day since I was with other trainees visiting DMZ, and I am truly fascinated to learn about your day for the service. 
It's good that you had a company, Sybastian, on this day. 
I find it very interesting to know that there is an international church which can be visited by those from overseas and provides translation.
After all, it was indeed a culture tour day for you and Sybastian as well - such experience of joining worship in Korea is certainly unique which is wonderful!