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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Kanmani Batumalai Andi - 18 July, 2023
Name Kanmani Batumalai Andi
Date 2023.12.27
Views 555

Coordinator’s comments:
Another impressive journal of your learning journey, Kanmani. This is definitely one of the journals that makes me wish Mr. Leandro read it too. He will be pleased to know that the ALU software has become another useful tool for you to further expand the scope of your understanding in estimation of GHG emission in the AFOLU sector. What you mentioned regarding Mr. Leandro’s expertise in delivering the session is exactly what I thought when I first saw his lecture materials. I was amazed by how he designed the contents in such an orderly manner that covers key concepts as much as his time allows. It is also delightful that this training served as a bridge for a bond of friendship. What a lovely photo of you three ladies there.