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Title Asia Regional Workshop on Fast-Tracking Preparation of 1st BTR (24-26 September)
Name GIR
Date 2024.11.04
Views 525
The regional workshop for the Asian group on tracking progress in preparing the first biennial transparency report (BTR) was held on 24-26 September 2024 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

The workshop was co-organized by GIR and PATPA, and co-financed by UNFCCC and Australia.

A total of 40 participants who are BTR coordinators and experts representing 19 countries attended the workshop to discuss their on-going work on BTR and share lessons learned and experiences in technical challenges.

The workshop also included "trouble shooting sessions" where experts provided technical advice on how to apply the modalities, procedures and guidelines as well as the use of a ETF reporting tool and IPCC inventory software for reporting the GHG inventories and NDC tracking.






