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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Sophea MEL - July 16
Name Sophea MEL
Date 2018.07.20
Views 2,319
Sophea MEL
Lecture on AFOLU
July 16, Monday 4th week in Korea
July 16th 2018
Finally, the fourth week of the program on UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT 2018 has arrived and I am really excited with a long day staying in the friendly environment, nice hotel with beautiful city’s landscape, nice accommodation, delicious food and warmly welcoming from the kindness people in the Republic of Korea, Seoul, especially all the organizers of this program.

The first day of the fourth week class started on Monday July 16, 2018 with the lecturer’s AFOLU sector. Normally, before the class started, we always heard a soft vice from a beautiful lady, Irene Lee, for informing the participants to sign their own signature on the attendance sheet. Today’s class, I am really glad in having a chance to meet teacher Sandro Federic who is an accomplished Forestry GHG accounting specialist and an international expert on UNFCCC Roster. I am strongly believed he has a broad knowledge and experiences in AFOLU sector. Started at 9:00 AM, Mr. Sandro has broadly addressed the theories related to AFOLU sector, and he briefly explain the evolution of IPCC Guidance on Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) with the processes covered by IPCC Guidance on AFOLU sector, which is the main GHG emission of CH4, N2O and CO2. Moreover, the lecture goes through Livestock which is the most important part of GHG emission regarding to AFOLU sector and he tried to explain how to estimate GHG emission by using Tier 1 methodology from the 2006 IPCC Guidance. The morning class ended at 12:00 PM with knowledgeable and useful of methodology to formula GHG emission of livestock.


After lunch time, the afternoon class started at 2:00 PM. The lecture was continuing to focusing on Carbon Pools (C Pools), Carbon Stock (C Stock) and Land stratification (Land Use and Land Use Change) which is one of the significant parts to contribute of GHG Emission. With this regard, I had learnt theories and definitions of land use according to the current situation land use (i.e Forest land, Cropland, Grassland, wetlands, Settlements and Other Land). After full day of class, I was so exhausted even teacher, Mr Sandro. But we had done our lecture with a beautiful smile and productive as well as fruitful lessons. Moreover, I really interested in doing practice the exercises which were provided by Mr. Sandro as schedule.
Then, after ending the class at 6:00 PM, Ms. Una Park from the Programme Secretariat team did her daily announcement, inviting trainees to a dinner outside the hotel. As usual Ms. Una Park was asking the participants to count the number by himself or herself, then Ms. Irene Lee was waiting to guide us to the nice restaurant which was Hyundai Department Store.