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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Dechen Pema Yangki - 12 August, 2022
Name Dechen Pema Yangki
Date 2022.12.27
Views 771

Coordinator's comments:
It is certainly grateful to have your journal on the last day of the training programme. I know that you were scheduled for a return flight in the afternoon on the day you were required to submit this journal. Writing a journal, regardless of its length, takes time to complete and it could have been not a priority for you on the last day in Seoul. But you did not let the day go without any record and, here it is, another well-written journal of yours. As an enthusiastic reader, I always enjoyed learning what specific lessons you earned, how you found lectures on the day and how you enjoyed your time in Seoul. 
Nothing makes me feel happier than having a trainee who tells that she is positive about her future activities that will realize much improvements in the GHG inventory of Bhutan. I am confident that you will be a great contributor that Bhutan will be proud of. 

p.s. You looked absolutely beautiful in your traditional Bhutanese outfit on this day, Dechen.