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Title [Daily Journal] Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez - 1 August, 2022
Name Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez
Date 2022.09.27
Views 342
Name: Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez 
Affiliation: Climate Change Directorate of Costa Rica 
Journal Title: Mobility in Seoul
Date: August 1, 2022 

Once I arrived at Korea, I used the subway to go from the airport to the hotel. I was excited for this transportation method. 
The first days, I tried to use it to go to anywhere, but on one occasion the better option was the bus.
At the beginning I was a bit resistant because of the experience I had have in my country taking this transportation method. Only some minute after, my idea had changed. I saw the bus lanes and the facility to move from one place to another, I was surprised.

Umbrella in the stations uses by people.

On August 1, I decided to buy a car part and I went to one Hyundai Mobis located 20 minutes from the hotel. 
At the subway I was thinking about how the transportation system could be improve in my country. I left the subway and saw again the buses and its related infrastructure. The umbrellas to protect from the sunlight, the demarcation of the streets and the stations. Safe and comfortable stations with the information required for every user.

At afternoon, I talked with my colleagues that in my country is totally different. People do not have information about the routes, applications do not work, some stations are unsecure, and most of roads have been taken by individual cars. 
Taking in consideration all these opportunities to improve, I thought that it could be possible my country has alliances with the Korean transportation system institution to improving. 

Transportation is the bigger emissions source in my country and a single action that could be done on it could decrease emissions and improve the life quality of costarican.

Buses in their lanes.

Coordinator's comments:
Transport infrastructure in Seoul is definitely one of the city's greatest assets which is the reason I like Seoul the most among many cities and suburbs in Korea. 
Just like you did, I also do realize quite often that Seoul's railway and bus systems are well constructed and organized.
I am pleased to know that such infrastructure was inspiring to you and also hope that your experiences in Korea could contribute to making great opportunities in Costa Rica regarding transportation some day in the near future!