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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Noura Mohamed Lotfy - 1 August, 2022
Name Noura Mohamed Lotfy
Date 2022.09.27
Views 354
On August 1st 2022, the UNFCCC GIR CASTT program Secretariat announced that the lectures are deferred due to the entry restriction to Korea of Ms. Sekai Ngarize and asked us to prepare the country presentations on the AFOLU sector for the next day. 

In the morning I decided to take a tour in Myeong-dong district for 3 hours. It is a great place for shopping and I really enjoyed walking in the streets and eating street food such as Mango Mochi which was very delicious.


You can find everything in Myeong-dong, It is the perfect area to stay in and use as a base to discover the rest of Seoul. In the late afternoon, the food stalls start to open up, perfect for a late afternoon snack.  

Then, I returned to the hotel to prepare my AFOLU sector country presentation till the midnight, it was really interesting to write about your country reporting status and national inventory. You feel like you know everything about your country. 

Moreover, some of colleagues visited fantastic places in this day such as Dongdaemun History & Culture Park and Ewha university of women. 
They share with us their photos on whatsapp group which are very nice photos and definitely encouraged me to visit these places on my spare time. 

Everything is very well organized by the UNFCCC GIR CASTT program Secretariat and they have a second plan in case of any emergency incident. 
I really appreciate their continuous support for the trainees.

Coordinator's comments:
I haven't visited Myeong-dong for quite some time now, and everytime I see photos of yours and other trainees' taken at that district, I find them very interesting (despite of being Korean myself!).
I could see from your photo of the fruit Mochi stall that you can choose one from various types of fruits. It's good to know that Mango Mochie did not let you down. Great choice, Noura!
Also, thank you for great compliment. On behalf of GIR, I am very pleased that our supports for you and trainees were helpful.