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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Dechen Pema Yangki - 1 August, 2022
Name Dechen Pema Yangki
Date 2022.09.26
Views 332

Coordinator's comments:
Rainy day is certainly not an ideal day to do any outdoor activities, unfortunately. I, too, usually stay at home when it rains. I can see you had a very quiet day this Sunday as I did, Dechen.
I would like to thank you for exerting great efforts to preparation of your country presentation despite of not being very familiar with a certain sector, in this case, the AFOLU sector. 
Country presentation materials of every trainee (except those without permission) will be shared with everyone, and believe me, Dechen, your presentation material on AFOLU will be 120% helpful to those who have been curious about Bhutan's AFOLU sector.
I am sure of this because you are one of the few best trainees with great potential who were invited to the programme.
Thank you once again for being our trainee!