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Title [Daily Journal] Yoisy Belén Castillo - 31 July, 2022
Name Yoisy Belén Castillo
Date 2022.09.26
Views 297
Name: Yoisy Belén Castillo 
Affiliation: Ministry of Environment of Panama
Journal Title: First cultural trip 
Date: 31 July 2022 

One of the good things about the UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT program is that we have free time to rest and spend in this wonderful Country.
Today was a rainy day, and I wanted to get on a to a place close to the area we were staying in and, at the same time, not crowded. Then, the perfect stop was the Children’s, Grand Park.
I took line number 5 and got off in Ashasan Station, Exit number 4. I arrived directly at the Children’s GrandPark entrance.

Photo 1. Its very easy to arrive, just take line number 5 and get off at Ashasan station

Photo 2. View of the vintage amusement park

The place was almost empty, which is something I was looking for.
First, I visited the vintage amusement park and tried to play in the drawing machine to win some cute kouka keychains, but unfortunately, I lost. 

Photo 3. View of the drawing machines.

I tried to get the cute kuokas, but was not possible.

I continue walking while it rains, relaxing, by the way. I made a stop at the zoo, admiring how parents take their children to see the first experience with those animals, but at the same time, my heart was broken seeing some animals with tiny space.

Photo 4. Elefants ate the zoo

I enjoyed Children’s Grand Park, and I spent time analyzing how different types of parents take their children to have some experience with nature.
I looked at some art museums for children and some centers for them to have different stimulation experiences.

Meanwhile, outside, I also observed older generations relax together under the different rest areas, one of them called: 희망마루.
They enjoy this last part of their life with peace and reward from all their work. 
In general, I love this park, the views, the landscape, the vegetation. The lotus flowers about to bloom in this humid and hot season, I just love it.

Photo 5. View of the lotus flowers pond at the Park

I had lunch tonkatsu out of the park in the old style. It was delicious. 
Later I went to a cafe nearby to try some dalgona coffee.

Photo 6. Picture of me with Pororo, at the Childrens Grand Park

All the day was raining, so I didn´t do that much and returned to the dorm.

Coordinator's comments:
I am amazed everytime I see your tour stories of Seoul. You are definitely one of the trainees who explored the most parts of this city, Yoisy!
Never imagined anyone would visit this Children's Grand Park, which is the place I am very familiar with because it's very close to my home in Seoul.
But here you are who came back with a fascinating story to tell us.
I personally like this park very much, but just like you felt at the zoo, it is devastating to see any animal at the zoo. I feel much better when there is no animal at all over the fence.
Hope there is a better way to let every animal in the world live freely and happily.
My favourite photo in your journal is the one with you and Pororo. It certainly gives me the feeling of the Park I love.