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Title [Daily Journal] Vanika Bajaj - 31 July, 2022
Name Vanika Bajaj
Date 2022.09.20
Views 310
Name: Vanika Bajaj
Affiliation:  Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, India 
Journal Title:   It was a Rainy Day!
Date:  31st July 2022

Sunday was not a fun day! The initial plan was to explore the areas around like Seoul tower etc. But the weather gods had some other plans. It continued to rain the entire day. 
Started the day with a nice breakfast from a nearby restaurant called ‘egg drop’. 
I came back to the hotel and spent the afternoon watching Indian Movie called ‘Zindagi na milegi Dobara’ which in English means ‘You won’t get this Life again’. It is about three friends and their Life story.

Photo 1: Breakfast at Egg Drop

In the evening, went for a walk, saw the Dongdaemun Design Plaza by the famous Zaha Hadid. 
I was truly impressed by the design studios and the concepts.

Photo 2: DDP visit

Later, I tried some delicious desserts at Korean Café – Sulbing Café. It was a perfect way to end a rainy day with Coffee and Tiramisu cake. 
Overall, it was a lazy day with lots of good food and rest. This was much needed for the coming long week which has lots of classes and work. 
Looking forward for the week ahead and new learnings.

Photo 3: Evening at Sulbing Cafe

Coordinator's comments:
As a person who does not enjoy rainy days, I agree with you as this Sunday was not (or cannot be) much fun especially because it prevented us from doing any outdoor activities. 
Still, I am happy to see that you did not waste the day and make yourself refreshed with good meals and sweets! 
I read that some trainees had Egg Drop sandwiches for their breakfast this day in Cristian's journal, and I can see now that you were one of them! The sandwich and a cup of coffee in your photo looks very good and makes me hungry now. You did have a very nice start of the day.
Hope this rainy Sunday gave you a little break and made you perfectly ready for the following week!