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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Missi Missi Philippe - 31 July, 2022
Name Missi Missi Philippe
Date 2022.09.20
Views 632
Name: Missi Missi Philippe
Affiliation: Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development
Journal Title: Great Tour in Seoul
Date: 31 July 2022

If you want to strengthen your skills in calculating, reporting and reviewing greenhouse gas emissions and have an international standing, it is a unique opportunity to participate in the UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Figure 1 The trainees of the 2022 cohort and Mr Seungjik Yoo, teacher of emission projections

After a first week of training consisting mainly of the transparency framework (Methodology, Procedures and Guidelines) in the Paris Agreement and greenhouse gas emission projections, the trainees went on a tour of the DeMilitarised Zone (DMZ) where they were enlightened on the Korean War from 1950 to 1953 and the path to peace undertaken by the two countries so far.

Photo 2 Fellows int the DMZ

On 31 July, many of the trainees had planned to relax and unwind, but the heavy rain that fell in Seoul decided otherwise. The majority of them were content to stay in their rooms to rest or prepare for the Country Reports.

Coordinator's comments:
We would be very pleased if you enjoyed the tour to DMZ, Missi Missi. 
I learned from journals that quite a number of fellow trainees had an adventure on Sunday despite of rainy weather which was very interesting. Were you one of those who stayed in the room and had a very quiet day? 
Look forward to your story in the next journal.