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Title [Daily Journal] Lillian Kalenge - 26 July, 2023
Name Lillian Kalenge
Date 2024.01.24
Views 502

Coordinator’s comments:
I suppose almost all (if not all) trainees loved Ms. Olia’s lecture on the energy sector which is not a surprise since I could also feel the atmosphere in the classroom which was very warm, joyful and friendly back then. Considering that we were approaching the end of the training very closely by then which also means that trainees were likely to find it difficult to focus on the session due to exhaustion from 3 weeks of busy schedule, Ms. Olia was like an energy booster who re-ignited everyone’s motivation. I am delighted see a group of girls exchanging their views on lectures which included positive feedback. Since only two days left before your return to Zambia, your visit to Dongdaemun for shopping and street food was indeed an excellent choice. Delicious and yet affordable snacks of different variety sold in the streets are something you cannot miss in almost every country. Your photos make me crave the foods you had on the day.