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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Muhammad Ijaz - 24 July, 2023
Name Muhammad Ijaz
Date 2024.01.22
Views 482

Coordinator’s comments:
It is remarkable that our field trip and culture tour day were not just something that left enjoyable memories and exciting outdoor experiences but served as a trigger in you to deep dive into the core value and message of each place. It is undoubtedly true that scientific research must be prioritized to lay the foundation for any further development of the right policy in the right direction which would eventually reach the general public through tangible outcome and thus raise awareness at the national level. Facilities we visited on the field trip are indeed built on such foundation to further enhance the impact on the broader audience, especially our next generations. Happy to know that our out-of-classroom activities left a significant message in you.