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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Valentina Buenfil - 20 July, 2023
Name Valentina Buenfil
Date 2024.01.03
Views 535

Coordinator’s comments:
It is truly rewarding whenever I read what was useful in the learning process of each individual and how it helped one to expand their scope of perspective on the issue in their daily journals. Yours is definitely a very good learning material for organizers, Valentina, as we can see that you were really focused on the country presentation session, listening carefully to fellow trainee presenters, comparing country case studies and identifying what similarities and differences exist for what reason. This is exactly what organizers expect from trainees as such consideration and reflection would be the first step toward identifying gaps and planning of an effective policies and measures back in their home countries. It was also very nice to hear that a facility tour on the day left a good impression on you. It was our pleasure to introduce Korea's good practices in terms of green technology and urban sustainability.