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Title [Daily Journal] Nazym Sailauova - 9 August, 2022
Name Nazym Sailauova
Date 2022.12.19
Views 527
Name: Sailauova Nazym
Affiliation: Zhasyl Damu JSC
Journal Title: Country presentations – AFOLU sector
Date: 09 August 2022


It is the last week of our training programme, time just flies. We started it with the smallest, but at the same time complicated sector – Waste sector, which was taught by Professor Seungdo Kim. The lecture was full of relevant information, also was very helpful, because Korea implemented waste management system within only one year. And it was successful, so we can check the approaches and took it as a role model for our own waste management system.

Photo 1 – Lecture for Waste sector

Afternoon session continued with the lecture on Energy sector. Mister Gyuhyun Kim explained the methodology approaches, most common uncertainties in case of Korean inventory of GHG in energy sector.

Photo 2 – Lecture on Energy sector

We finished the day with another lecture related to Emissions Trade System. Mister Alistair Ritchie shared his experience in global ETS, as he worked in the beginning of EU ETS implementation, as well as China ETS and now Korea ETS. There was a comparison between different ETS, as a role model EU ETS were chosen, as the most longest and succesful. Then Californian ETS in comparison with other Asian countries Emission Trading Systems.

Photo 3 – Lecture on ETS

Coordinator's comments:
I just can't help smiling everytime I read the journal that says the lecture was relevant and helpful. You made my day, Nazym! I'm wondering what the waste management system is like in Kazakhstan and how the waste sector's GHG data are compiled. I'm sure if we had an opportunity for country presentations, you and Alisher would have wonderfully shared with us the national circumstance in this particular sector which would be very helpful for all of us to learn from Kazakhstan. It is certainly regretful that we did not have such opportunity. But at the same time, it also means that Professor Kim had more time to explain in a more detailed manner with very practical exercises which helped trainees to become more familiar with the waste sector and have an in-depth understanding. I am delighted as long as you find this day a very useful one with full of knowledge that has contributed to enhance your expertise.