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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Kanmani Batumalai - 15 July, 2023
Name Kanmani Batumalai
Date 2023.12.18
Views 190

Coordinator’s comments:
It is always amusing to see a trainee brought up a discussion point derived from the lecture that invites everyone to consider and share their views, and it was you who made this day's session more impressive and insighful with your topic of greenwashing. I have no doubt that all of our fellow trainees must have found it fascinating to talk about with so many cases in different countries. I am glad you did not miss the chance to dive deeper into the topic of this special session. Also thank you for sharing your exploration of public transport. It definitely is one of my biggest joy to see you having an adventurous journey to every corner of Seoul as much as you can.