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Title [Daily Journal] Alisher Kassenov - 4 August, 2022
Name Alisher Kassenov
Date 2022.11.04
Views 293
Name: Alisher Kassenov
Affiliation: Ministry of ecology, geology and natural resources
Journal title: 1st lecture in IPPU sector
Date: 4 August 2022

Today’s lecture started from the introduction to Industrial process & product use sector (IPPU). The lecture was full of equations and covered 7 topics: overview, methodology, cement, glass, iron and steel, aluminum and nitric acid industries. 
From the point of coverage and complexity of equations I can distinguish two subsectors/topics – iron and steel with the aluminum industries topics. During the session we covered all the three methodology tiers started from the easiest “Tier 1” and ends with the country specific emission factors for the “Tier 2”. After the overview Mr. Seungho Han(HANS) showed us some informative videos about clinker, glass bottles production, and metallurgical industry. 
During the presentation Mr. HANS prepared some questions and exercises for the prepared material. The correct answers were prized with sweets which motived students.  The most delicious one was the dried apple bites.

Picture 1. Equation solved by Canet

One of the challenging exercises for me, due to the energy filed of expertise in national inventory, was the emission calculation for the glass production. In the picture 1 it can be observed how the trainee Canet Cengiz Durmuş is describing the Tier 2 emission calculations for the cement production. For the correct equation solving Mr.HANS  presented her sweet present (picture 2). 
As the final expression about the lectures held so far, the lecture about IPPU sector was the most interesting. I hope it was because of the combining the information presentation with the games and encouragement for the correct answer.

Picture 2. Sashimi time!

As a good end of the day, with a group of students we went to a Japanese restaurant to try raw fish called - Sashimi. The cuisine was excellent, the taste of raw fish with sauces, although unusual for a person from Central Asia, was still juicy and delicious.

Coordinator's comments:
I was in the room when Mr. Han asked interesting questions and many trainees were eager to give him correct answers. I loved the atmosphere back then because I could feel that the whole class was truly enjoying the lecture and so much focused on what Mr. Han was saying. As you said in the journal, Mr. Han knows very well how to motivate participants in the room which I find very impressive.
So Canet was one of the trainees who beautifully solved the exercise and won a gift - good for her!
I must tell Mr. Han that Alisher from Kazakhstan found his lecture the most interesting one. I have no doubt that Mr. Han will be very glad to hear it.