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Title Brief Report on 2014 C2GMF 7th SC and 2nd TWG Meetings
Name ICT
Date 2014.04.22
Views 3,876

Brief Report on 2014 C2GMF 7th Steering Committee and 2nd Technical Working Group Meetings

A. Overview

Greenhouse gas Inventory and Research Center of Korea (GIR) held the 7th Steering Committee and 2nd Technical Working Group meetings of Cooperative Green Growth Modeling Forum (C2GMF) in Hanoi, Vietnam on March 25 – 26, 2014. A total of 35 government officials and experts from C2GMF member countries attended the meetings, discussed issues on GHG-related policies, national inventory preparation and mitigation projection modeling and deliberated on the better operation of C2GMF.

B. The 7th Steering Committee Meeting

Participants from 13 countries delivered presentations on their country’s current status and problems in regards to GHG-related policies and inventory preparation. They also deliberated on how to collect national GHG data on an annual basis and how to establish GHG databases in developing countries.

C. The 2nd Technical Working Group Meeting

Participants presented interim reports consisting of activity data and modeling data for Buildings and Waste sectors (five countries for Buildings sector and ten countries for Waste sector) and discussed about the template based upon which the final reports could be prepared. 

- Excellent final reports for Buildings and Waste sector will be presented in 2014 International Modeling Conference to be held in Korea in July, 2014.

D. Side Event at COP 20

Participants discussed on applying for holding a side event at COP 20 (expected to be held in Peru in December 2014), to inform the difficulties that the developing countries face to establish effective and specific NAMAs and the MRV system. 

E. Suggestions for Future Meetings

It was suggested that the duration of a presentation and its following discussion be extended. Four countries (Ghana, Nepal, Egypt and Azerbaijan) volunteered to invite the next C2GMF meetings, expected in March 2015, to their countries.

F. 2014 GIR Training Program for GHG Inventory & Mitigation Modeling

Participants shared the successful outcomes of the training program, gathered opinions on the program duration and contents and agreed to cooperate for recommending candidates from each country beginning April.

Attachment: a group photo