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Title [Daily Journal] Rumbidzai Mhunduru - 17 July, 2023
Name Rumbidzai Mhunduru
Date 2023.12.26
Views 546

Coordinator’s comments:
Not surprised that Mr. Leandro knows your boss back home considering his decades-long experiences in this field. I am pretty sure a considerable number of experts of his time still actively working in the AFOLU sector will also recognize Mr. Leandro. By the way, I must say that your journals make a reader feel very encouraged which is amazing. I believe it is because it reflects your belief that every learning shall be valued without carelessly judging it is useful or useless. Though it might seem not adaptable to the current system, we never know if it would turn out to be a surprise breakthrough sometime in the future or help us to come closer to the answer. Thank you also for your feedback on the IPCC software. Hopefully we can provide future trainees with an opportunity to explore multiple softwares for better reporting of their GHG inventory.