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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Vincent Woon Kok Sin - 7 August, 2022
Name Vincent Woon Kok Sin
Date 2022.11.21
Views 619
A Gloomy yet Fruitful Sunday
Written by: Vincent Woon Kok Sin (Malaysia)
Date: 7 Aug 2022

Time flies. It has been two weeks since I have been in Korea for this UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT training. So far, I have learned a lot of helpful knowledge, including the IPCC and the Paris Agreement, UNFCCC, basics of the GHG inventories, emissions projection, AFOLU, and IPPU sectors. Country presentations have already been kicked off since last week. I am glad to know every trainee's national circumstances and institutional arrangements, as well as the challenges faced when preparing the GHG inventory and overcoming climate change issues in their respective countries. One of the significant outcomes that I gained through this training is that I will make a research collaboration with Professor Yoo, who provided us with a lecture on emissions projection. This collaboration radiates one of my intentions when applying for this training: to seek close diplomacy and connection with climate experts worldwide to encourage intercultural and transboundary cooperation. 


As there are two more presentations for the following week, I spent most of my time preparing the presentation deck for the waste and LULUCF sectors during the weekend. As my current research mainly focuses on waste management, I shall provide an in-depth background about the waste management scenario in Malaysia to the audience. I will also share some of my observations about the challenges faced in Malaysia and the Global South in adopting a circular waste management framework. I would also like to share some of my research outcomes related to waste management in the hope that it could provide some valuable thoughts to the other trainees while receiving their sincere feedback to improve my work. 


The second presentation related to LULUCF will mainly be based on the information extracted from the Malaysia 3rd BUR report submitted to UNFCCC in 2020. LULUCF is an essential sector to Malaysia as it contributes to GDP growth and displays carbon sinks simultaneously. However, it is challenging to maintain the carbon sinks due to excessive deforestation, extreme weather, which turns our unexpected disasters such as flood and peat fire, and lack of stringent enforcement of the forestry act. Hopefully, I could learn the best practice from the other trainees on how to protect the forest and maintain carbon sink for their respective countries. 

Next week will be the last week of this training. I look forward to the training as it covers many of my interesting topics, including waste, agriculture, and carbon neutrality. I also treasure the moments and sharing spent with the other trainees.

Coordinator's comments:
I remember the photo you shared with us after the programme which shows the screen of you and Professor Yoo having a virtual meeting! This is truly exciting to know that the programme serves as a knowledge provider and also as a bridge that connects a lecturer and trainees to further develop cooperation project. I am very eager to hear updates about the progress you and Professor Yoo have made. Please feel free to share with me and fellow trainees any great news anytime. We are all here and ready to hear from you.
I am sure that it must have been not easy at all for you to focus on the lecture virtually and prepare presentations without having some refreshing time with fellow trainees. 
Yet I can see from your journal that no matter under what circumstance you are, you continue to learn as much as possible from lectures as well as country presentations and exert much efforts to share your knowledge with us. You and everyone tell us that you learn a lot from the programme while I learn much from you guys. I cannot emphasize enough how valuable every moment of the class of 2022 was.
p.s. I added few photos this time again which capture our days with you in Korea. It brings back my memory of week 1!