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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Miraj Rodon - July 19
Name Miraj Rodon
Date 2018.07.25
Views 2,280
I only have 2 pages to fit almost 1 month of life changing experiences. This training has been a truly life changing experience, professionally and personally. Climate change is a new field for me and just recently has been included in my job requirements so this training came at just the right time. I did not know to expect at first from the training and I am happy that I was blown away by all the elements, from the course content, lecturers and logistics. The organizers took good care of us and accommodated us in the same hotel as the training was to be held and this proved to be a huge advantage for us. The first day was unusual but amazing. The Ice breaking session was just what we needed to feel comfortable with each other. After that we were more at ease, more comfortable to engage in communication. One of the most interesting parts was that while we were adopting and learning about Korean culture, we were also constantly learning about each other’s countries. What I found most amusing was that some of the participants would wear their traditional clothes to the course. Apparently they can go to work in their country wearing these clothes and this was unusual but very interesting. The colors and shapes are different for every country so I would get amazed every time that I saw a new dress and everybody was very patient in explaining the meaning and origin of it. THE COURSE Professionally this has been the most complete, organized and informative training I have ever attended. I was amazed that we had the chance to be trained by some of the best experts in the field of Climate Change and Inventory compilation. We were encouraged to ask questions at any time and we didn’t hold back. It was a month of continuous engaging in discussions and debates. I also found very motivating the fact that some of the trainees themselves were very prepared and knowledgeable in the field and they would create a more lively and useful discussion for the rest of us. The first impact with GIR staff and Mr. Jae was remarkable as he was very welcoming but also was careful to mention that the organizers had very high expectations form us and out timely and active participation. The days of the training were very intense and engaging. I valued the combination of theory and practice. The exercises were very engaging and the lecturers had patience to explain to each of us in detail. We also had the privilege to be a part of the C2GMF and International Greenhouse Gas Conference. It was a majestic event with very high level representatives and I was honored to be a part of it. We were all very careful to take notes all the time and the books that GIR provided were very useful. THE PEOPLE The most amazing fact is that we were 30 alumni from 30 different countries and we created genuine friendships with each other. We passionately discussed, laughed, traveled, ate and danced together. This month was unforgettable and part of this was the friendships that was created. I am sure that in almost a month I have made 30 new friends. After all the presentations every trainee encouraged us to visit his country, and offered that, if we ever have the chance to visit, they would show us around and make sure that we enjoyed the country. This is a sign that we have created a genuine relationship. My traveling plans and map will expand for sure by 30 countries all over the world because I know that a friend will be waiting for me. The GIR staff and our hosts were amazing. I always felt their genuine interest in making sure that we didn’t miss anything from during the course and also gave us very good advice on what to visit and how to get around Seoul. We met at 30 strangers and we hugged goodbye as 30 friends. And I have to admit that the last day group hug was not a good idea. Some dust went into my eye and my eyes was watering a lot during the hugs. KOREA Culture shock? More like food shock :P I had read a lot about Korea before coming here. I read about the History, Culture, Food and still I was blown away. It is so different. It’s a culture based on very very hard work, respect and hospitality. I was blown away by the efficiency of public transportation and all the other public services. The staff at any place, even if they didn’t speak English, they would try to help in any way possible. High rising skyscrapers and shopping malls that stay open until 5 AM were unusual but interesting. And then it was the food, the amazingly hot and spicy Korean food. I am truly amazed of how Korean manage to eat so much spicy food and not shed a single tear of pain from the spiciness. I really tried to give the spiciness a try but I guess I will be forever damned to not be able to enjoy the same “wonderful” spicy flavor of every food.