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Title [Daily Journal] Hamdhoon Mohamed - June 10
Name Hamdhoon Mohamed
Date 2018.07.12
Views 1,531
Name: Hamdhoon Mohamed
Class Type: 13th Cooperative Green Growth Modelling Forum
Title: Journal for 17th Day in South Korea – 10th July 2018
Date: July 10th 2018
A timeline of the day
I have been asked to write the journal for 10th July 2018, which is the day allocated for the 13th Corporative Green Growth Modelling Forum. After having a refreshing week-end, the lectures started on Monday 09th July 2018. The lecture topics for the day was “Decomposition Analysis” and “Emission projection”. Since, the lecture was so intense and informative I had to retire to my bed early and wake-up to get my business casual clothes ready.

The best part about the morning just like all other days was to meet my friends (fellow trainee) in the lobby of the hotel. It was wonderful to meet my friends all dressed in business causal attire for the forum.

As usual our Una Park was doing her head count and Irene Lee anxiously waiting to guide us to the Forum venue which was Ramanda Seoul Dongdamun. This makes me wonder how difficult it would have been if we are not guided and liaised by these two wonderful persons. The walk to Ramada Soeul Dongdamun was just around five minutes. When we reached the hotel, we had to go to the registration desk to find our allocated seating arrangement.

The forum had three sessions in which participants from 9 countries presented their mitigations efforts in the power generation sector. The forum was augurated by the welcome remarks of the president of GIR. Our favorite lecturer, Mr. Jae Jung gave a presentation regarding the history of C2GMF and the main objectives and instruction for the discussion session.

The first session presenters were participants from Egypt, South Africa and South Korea. The presentations were followed by question and answer session.

At the end of the session was the lunch break and we had the luxury of enjoying awesome buffet at the 7th floor restaurant in the Lotte Fitin Mall. After breaking for 1 hour, the session two resumed with presentation from Azerbaijan, Indonesia and Malaysia.
The session 3 presenters were from Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. After completion of all the presentation, each table group had to discuss on the MRV aspects of the mitigation initiatives from two different countries.

The discussions were concluded with group presentations. Yet, again it was day closing announcement time from Una Park. The main announcement was that “Be ready sharp at 8:30 in the hotel lobby tomorrow morning. Dinner downstairs in our hotel. Be there before 7:30”.

After a hectic and long day, we walked back to Ibis Ambassador Dongdamun around 7:30 at night and went straight to the hotel restaurant for our dinner.

My personal reflection of the day

I learned and got many information today, from the presentation and discussion in the forum. However, I understand some portion of this information. Despite my experience in climate change mitigation and MRV system I need some time to digest all the information I received today. This reminds me of a famous quote from the Chinese philosopher Confucius
“I hear I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand”

Maybe, I have done enough hearing and seeing and may be its time for me to practice what I learned today in the forum in my profession life.