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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Tran Phuong Uyen - 12 August, 2022
Name Tran Phuong Uyen
Date 2022.12.27
Views 1,037

Coordinator’s comments:
Wow Uyen, your journal is the very last one I leave my comments on, and it is my pleasure to end my journey with a journal with such a lovely design and charming photos of fellow trainees (which has always been!). 
Since this journal was asked to be submitted on the day you were scheduled to return to Vietnam, I assume you must have worked on it on either the last day of the programme on which we had a graduation ceremony or the departure day of your flight from Seoul. I am grateful that you did not miss the last journal and kindly shared it with us because I know it is not easy to focus on anything other than celebrating the successful completion of the training, having farewell time with everyone and preparing to go home. 
Since it is our goal to support you gain knowledge and hands-on experiences which are applicable to your actual work and thus contribute to enhancing your expertise and further the GHG inventory of Vietnam, I can’t tell how glad and delighted I am when I read the part that says you will make the most of what you have learned here to your work. This year’s journey with you and everyone was indeed an unforgettable one. 
I was one lucky coordinator in 2022 who met friendly, kind-hearted and absolutely wonderful people.