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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Aldo Ozuna Notario - 8 August, 2022
Name Aldo Ozuna Notario
Date 2022.11.29
Views 235

Coordinator's comments:
It is so nice to see Roberto's photo in your journal and vice versa (Roberto added your photo in his journal on this day, check it out!) Both photos very nicely captured each of you concentrating on exercises given by Professor Kim. How did you go with calculations on excel? I assume that the waste sector was definitely a challenging one. But with Professor Kim's detailed explanations, I'm sure you went through all the exercises and gained a clear idea of how emissions are estimated in the waste sector at the end of the day. 
Another photos that depict a rainy day and you guys having a little chat at the lobby remind me of our days of summer in Korea. Can't believe it's been 4 months already since then!