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Title [Article] UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT on GHGs presented in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Name GIR
Date 2022.12.19
Views 3,485
Article contributed and written by Melisa Ljusa (2022 Trainee)

UNFCCC-GIR-Climate Action and Support Transparency Training (CASTT) Programme on Greenhouse Gases presented in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Photo credit: Melisa Ljusa

“Capacity Building Initative for Transparency-CBIT“ project has launched series of trainings on the GHG inventory and the establishment of the Monitoring, Reporting & Verification platform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The trainings are aimed at familiarizing the key institutions (responsible for legislation, GHG emissions, inventory, etc.) with the previous activities and the proposals on how to establish the MRV platform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. create the GHG inventory.

The CBIT project is empowering institutions to improve monitoring and reporting practices, establish a domestic system for monitoring, reporting and verification in the field of climate change and upgrade the informations which constitute the very basis of greenhouse gas inventory with a Runaway Greenhouse Effect and the defined contribution of BiH under the Paris Agreement.

Prof. Melisa Ljusa, from the University of Sarajevo, is one of the certified trainers who successfully completed the UNFCCC-GIR-Climate Action and Support Transparency Training (CASTT) Program on Greenhouse Gases. 

During the first two-day training (September 22-23, 2022), Prof. Ljusa has presented the CASTT Program, which is of particular relevance for countries in transition such as Bosnia and Herzegovina. She presented and passed on her knowledge and experience from the training at the Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea (GIR) during the first training for the AFOLU sector and MRV. The CASTT Programme was specially presented to the new staff of Hydrometeorological Institutes, whose task is to actively work on the GHG inventory development and improvement in the future.

Training participants - representatives of numerous institutions and ministries are invited to apply for the CASTT Programme, whose comprehensive training with learning-by-doing approach represents a unique opportunity for capacity bulding, knowledge upgrade, exchange of experiences and establishing cooperation with other countries.

This type of training is crucial for Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is, thanks to UNDP activities, focused on strengthening the capacity of institutions responsible for the GHG inventory and the establishment of the MRV platform, as well as the transition from a project-based to an institutional approach. 

Source: (

Prof. Melisa Ljusa was also invited to present the proposal of the MRV system in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the steps towards its establishment at the final "Preparation of the Fourth National Report and the Third Biennial Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Bosnia and Herzegovina" project workshop, which was attended by approximately forty participants, i.e. representatives of relevant institutions and local experts.

The next reporting cycle on climate change and the planned trainings related to the creation of GHG inventories will be prepared in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the coming period, when the acquired knowledge and experience from the CASTT Programme will certainly be transferred.