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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Lini Ariva - 12 August, 2022
Name Lini Ariva
Date 2022.12.27
Views 884

Coordinator's comments:
Here comes our Valedictorian of the Class of 2022. The day you submitted this journal was your last day in Seoul with a schedule for a return flight, and yet you did not forget our request and gave us the last one in time. You never disappointed me, Lini, and I have no doubt that you most certainily deserved the title of Valedictorian. It was my great pleasure and honour to name you as one of two best performing trainees. 
As it is informed at the introduction page, this training programme is an intensive one which involves full-day lectures continuing for three weeks, country presentations prepared by every single trainee and daily journals to be submitted every 3 to 4 days. I have to admit that the schedule was tough, and along with all such commitments, you were even asked to stand on the stage as a panelist at IGC and prepare a graduation speech. Yet, you were always prepared and did everything we asked for punctually and wonderfully. At the same time, you did not miss a chance to enjoy your Seoul life which proved that your time management skill was something that I must learn.
I cannot emphasize enough how much I am grateful to your great supports and efforts to the programme since last year which was switched to online courses due to COVID-19, and how much I am proud to invite you this year to Korea.
Thank you, Lini, for being part of our beautiful memories with everyone!