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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Umeda Turobova - June 30
Name Umeda Turobova
Date 2018.07.02
Views 1,602
Umeda Turobova
UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on Greenhouse Gases
My first week in Korea
June 30th 2018

My first week in Korea has been very interesting and productive. I was a little anxious before arriving to Korea because of cultural differences, but I have quickly adapted, and meeting so many people from so many different countries in my group has really helped me to feel welcome and feel part of a really multicultural community. I am from Tajikistan, a small mountainous country in Central Asia which used to be part of the Soviet Union. Tajikistan has a very difference geography, architecture, climate and culture to Korea. But so far I have really enjoyed exploring Korea, and I have to say I really like Seoul as a city. It is very cosmopolitan and vibrant, and full of skyscrapers. It differs very much from my home town of Dushanbe, which is located between the mountains and has a very different architecture. It has been interesting for me to explore local food and meet local people, who are always very polite. It has been also easy to communicate as most people speak English, which is very helpful when you don’t speak the local language. I have enjoyed going for walks with my group members in the city and it is really a lot of fun to explore new places as a group.

Of course, apart from cultural exploration, we also attend lectures every day. It was a little difficult in the beginning to get started, because our lectures are very intensive and with lots of new knowledge and information, and you need to be attentive at all times and be familiar with the structure. But after the first couple of days, I am starting to enjoy the lectures. Our teacher are not only highly knowledgeable, but also very helpful to students. When someone doesn’t understand a term or a concept, they are more than happy to explain it in a different way so that everyone has a good understanding about what is being discussed. In the beginning there were times I did not understand some parts of lectures and was a little shy to ask questions. But teachers made us feel comfortable and created a friendly atmosphere, and I no longer hesitate to ask questions if I have some. Our group discussions are also very interesting and students in each group are helpful to each other and ready to contribute. Particularly interesting in the first week for me was the topic of conducting the Key Category Analysis taught by Mr Dominique Revet. In particular, learning about different emissions categories, emissions sources and understanding more about industries that contribute more to emissions has been helpful in increasing my general understanding and increasing my knowledge about methods of analysis in this area.

Overall, I feel very lucky and privileged to have had the opportunity to attend this training programme in Seoul. It has not only allowed me to meet new people, make friendships, explore this part of the world, experience a new culture, but perhaps more importantly it has helped me develop my knowledge and increase my understanding about challenges that developing countries face in terms of greenhouse gases and emissions, and new ways to address the global challenge of climate change around the world. I am confident that this knowledge will help me in my work in this area in Tajikistan.