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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Melani Acosta - 26 July, 2023
Name Melani Acosta
Date 2024.01.24
Views 505

Coordinator’s comments:
So you did already know Ms. Olia from an online energy course of GHGMI before we actually met her in person this summer in the training programme, that is fabulous. I suppose it is indeed a small world after all and we eventually will have a chance to meet each other as long as we continue to hone our skills in this field. It’s wonderful to know exactly why you liked Ms. Olia’s session and also some interesting national experiences of New Zealand and Panama which motivated me to do some research on topics related to emissions in the energy sector. Thank you for sharing key discussion points covered in class. Your journal is a very good learning material for me to do some study on my own as well as for planning of future training. I’m happy to see smiling faces of the group at such a nice cozy place.