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Title [Daily Journal] Edson Mwijage - June 29
Name Edson Mwijage
Date 2018.07.02
Views 1,562
UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Daily journal
                                                                                                              Edson Mwijage
June 29th 2018
Lecture on National Inventory Improvement plan
Journal of first week, Friday

The activities conducted on Friday 29/06/2018 include but not limited to Lecture on National Inventory Improvement Plan, Country presentation on UNFCCC/BUR preparation, Farewell to two trainers, Weekly allowance, filling evaluation form for the training, Participants receiving the second Biennial Update Report of the republic of Korea and Food together.

Training circumstances and coordination
The training was conducted at Ibis hotel, in the second floor, from 9:00 AM to 6:00PM.  The number of trainees attended were 30 in total. The training was categorized by three groups of participant; Trainees, Trainers and training coordinators. The trainees were 30 people, everyone representing his or her own country. The trainers were only two, namely Dominique Revet and Wilium Agyemang-Bonsu and the coordinators were Tara Suh, Irene Lee and Una Park

Lecture on National Inventory Improvement
The lecture delivered in this day was about National Inventory Improvement plan. The session was very interesting and interactive. The focal point in the training was about the usefulness of Inventory template work book, in identification of key categories and prioritization of key areas for improvement. In addition, capacity building to national staff rather than depending on consultants was encouraged in this training. This is to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of inventory system.
Participants exercised how to analyze the inventory system and suggest the improvements. In this exercise, every participants described problems encountered in their inventory system, then suggested the possible improvement to adopt. Few among of the participants were given chance to make presentation and the common improvement highlighted by all presenter was the poor coordination in the Institutional arrangement.

Experience sharing
The training venue on Friday was like a pool of experience and knowledge of GHG Inventory, from different countries. In this day, five countries namely Afghanistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Solomon Island and Tajikistani, shared experience on UNFCCC/BUR preparation and their efforts to stabilize GHG. It was nice learning about their institution arrangements, methods and data documentation, QA/QC procedures, Archiving system and Key categories. However, comparing other countries and my country was very useful for me as I ranked my country and see where it is and what to improve basing on other country initiatives. In nutshell, we parked a lot of useful information from five countries and hope will enhance our Inventory system in our countries.


Farewell to trainers
After the Lecture and country presentation session, our trainers, Dominique Revet and Wilium Agyemang-Bonsu Sayed goodbye to the training participants and that marked the end of their presentation for GIR training programme 2018.However, they encourage the participants to access them wherever facing problems and they will always respond emails.

Weekly allowance and filling evaluation form,
At the end of the session in the evening, participants filled evaluation form for the training and then received a weekly allowance and the second Biennial Update Report of the republic of Korea.

Food together
Thanks to the coordinators for arranging Lunch and dinner for participants to eat together. The lunch was organized at the Hotel and dinner was outside the hotel. The food were very delicious and every participants was happy with the food.