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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Kaleem Anwar Mir - June 25
Name Kaleem Anwar Mir
Date 2018.06.26
Views 2,073
Kaleem Anwar Mir
Orientation on GIR & Notification for the Training Program
Journal of a first day in Korea
June 25th 2018

The dream comes true finally! I arrived to Incheon airport on 23 June 2018 for participation in the 2018 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT training programme on greenhouse gas inventories. My landing time was very late during the evening and the GIR had officially organized a call-van to take me to the hotel. Thus I didn't have to stress at all over the coordinations!

The first day began with the session on introduction of GIR and the UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT training programme on greenhouse gases. In this session the presenter informed about the authoritative structure of GIR and how it functions. There are principally three groups working at GIR for Korea which include: (1) Planning & administration Team; (2) GHG Inventory Management Team; and GHG reduction research (GHG modeling) team. As far as worldwide participation is concerned, GIR sorts out different projects, for example, training program on GHGs, Cooperative Green Growth Modeling Forum (C2GMF), and International Greenhouse Gas Conference (IGC). GIR additionally participates in UNFCCC climate change negotiations, prepares National Communications and Biennial Update Reports, and monitor climate change trend. Till now 256 learners from 65 nations effectively finished the program and have been adding to their nations of origin in responding to environmental change. Toward the end of the session, program content was clarified quickly.

After the first session an ice breaking session took place in which participants were assigned various tasks to perform in their groups. This session is thought to be a successful method for beginning a training session in which participants are from different nationalities. I extremely valued this session! It was a perfect method to become acquainted with each other. After the session I have the sentiments that we are no more strangers to each other. This was undoubtedly a satisfying experience by any stretch of the imagination. At that point there was an opening session in which welcoming address was given by GIR representative and complimentary comments were delivered by representative from UNFCCC. After the orientation on GIR and notification for the training program, lastly, a keynote address on climate change policies in Korea was delivered by the representative from Korean meteorological administration. The address was particularly instructive depicting the present status of Korean environmental change strategies. He clarified pleasantly the energy sector situation in the Korea. Korea is the world’s tenth biggest energy consumer. It imports 96 percent of energy out of which 84 percent is based in fossil fuels. The trend of GHG emissions in Korea shows doubling of GHG emissions when compared with the 1990 emissions. He likewise elucidated Korean GHG reduction targets and implementation strategies. The address was extremely useful in understanding the Korean environmental change strategies to additionally get encounters for figuring out home country environmental change approaches.

Last yet not the least; I might want to pay my sincere thanks to GIR secretariat for choosing and sponsoring me for this professional training course that I have been searching for as far back as couple of years.

Figure 1: Group photo (Opening Session)

Figure 2: Team leaders during the ice breaking session

Figure 3: Telling the expectations during ice breaking session

Figure 4: Struggling to complete the task during ice breaking session

Figure 5: Testing the roller coaster during ice breaking session