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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Malehloa Jockey - June 25
Name Malehloa Jockey
Date 2018.06.26
Views 1,708
Journal of a first day in Korea
    by Malehloa Jockey

What a way to start a training session! FUN FUN FUN….!!!!
The session started with registration at 8:30 and the programme at 09:00 sharp, right  on time. We first got introductions of our programme organisers by Ms. Jaein Kim and then some few points to keep during our stay in Korea (by Mr. Jae Jung):

1. Dedication
2. Avoid being in any misconduct
3. NO social media during class

And then the ice breaking session. It started with introductions by every participant, and then fun games. The whole morning was dedicated to the ice breaking session.
We played bingo, rock-scissor-paper game, and many more. But from the games, this is what I take home: team work and communication are key if you want to suc-ceed in anything. At the end of the session each and everyone of us was comforta-ble to talk to anyway. We wrapped up the session with each one of us sharing their expectations of the training and in summary, these are :

1. Learn more on development of greenhouse gas
2. Share experiences and best practices with each other.  
3. Network, make new friends and have fun


The Goal of the day was achieved… THE ICE HAS BEEN BROKEN
The Opening Ceremony session in the afternoon was blessed by the key note lec-ture on climate change polices in the Republic of Korea by the Vice Administra-tor of Korea Meteorological Administration, Mr. Heung Jin Choi, who highlighted key policy decisions Korea took in transforming its economy and at the same time addressing climate change

I am already looking forward to the rest of my days in Korea and I am very blessed to  be among these incredible team.

What better way to end the day than by having a beautiful Korean Cuisine.