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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Sandra Ukaegbu - 12 July, 2023
Name Sandra Ukaegbu
Date 2023.12.11
Views 117

Coordinator’s comments:
While most of the photos I see in daily journals are the ones taken during the lectures, it is very enjoyable to see those outside the classroom. That photo of you and fellow ladies during the lunch break is undoubtedly a charming one. Also thank you for sharing some of the most interesting topics covered in Mr. Tanabe’s session. GWP vs GTP is certainly a key discussion point in which most trainees are interested and find useful, and assumptions from trainees about the reason methane is volatile with two values was very fascinating. I am happy to hear that it was an interesting session to you as well Sandra.