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Title [Daily Journal] Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez - 11 August, 2022
Name Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez
Date 2022.12.26
Views 215
Name: Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez 
Affiliation: Climate Change Directorate of Costa Rica 
Journal Title: Conference Day
Date: August 11, 2022 

At morning, the International Greenhouse Conference took place. It started with the presentation of participants that shared the national circumstances, national inventories and challenges countries have to implement to improve their GHG national systems. The presentations were from Colombia, Panama, Vietnam, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Kenya, and Indonesia.

Country presentation made by participants

After that, the second part of the sessions begun with the conference about the Key policy instruments toward carbon neutrality. The first presentation was about the EU ETS and its role in achieving carbon neutrality in the EU. The second one was about Mitigation the risk of carbon leakage, and the last was about the Evolution of sustainability disclosure. At end of the session, there was a discussion moment with representation of represent from different Korean institutions.

Opening remarks was given by Heung-Won Seo, president of Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center of Korea

Panelist discussing about instruments towards carbon neutrality

Coordinator's comments:
How was the conference day to you, Roberto? Hopefully presentations from our fellow trainees as well as experts from various institutions gave you insights on GHG inventory system of countries which could serve as a great reference to Costa Rica. 
I did not have a chance to eat together with fellow trainees during the 3-week programme, and this day was, if I am correct, the first time I had lunch at the same table with you and Aldo. I had lots of fun asking questions about how Spanish is spoken differently in Latin American countries and your days in Seoul. I can say for sure that such enjoyable time with you and Aldo will be remembered for a very long time :)