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Title 2021 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Applications Extended (~30 July)
Name GIR
Date 2021.06.30
Views 4,981
As the 11th UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on GHGs will be held online which provides more flexibility for individuals to apply for the Programme, the application deadline is extended to 30 July 2021

* (Extended) Application Period : 7 June - 30 July 2021 (KST 23:59)

Please be kindly advised that (1) extended applications may close earlier than scheduled as the Programme selects 36 trainees on a first-come first-served basis, and (2) the application closing date may vary depending on the country due to a limited number of trainee allocated per country.

Please also note that this year's top-performing individuals will be invited to Korea in the following year to participate in the Programme in order to offer greater opportunities to our trainees, if it would be possible to hold in-person events.

For further details, please visit the website (https://sites.google.com/view/unfcccgircastt/notification), or contact the Programme Secretariat via email at unfcccgircastt@gmail.com

Thank you.

교육과정 2차 모집