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Title GIR’s Seminar at Korea Pavilion during COP22 in Marrakech
Name Jaein Kim
Date 2016.11.22
Views 3,055
GIR hosted a seminar on "Korea’s GHG Management System, Emission Trading Scheme, and GIR’s International Cooperation“ at Korea Pavilion during COP22 on November 16, 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco..
Ms. Jaein Hana KIM was the host of this seminar and it began with an opening address from President of GIR, Dr. Yong-gun KIM.
Mr. Jae JUNG from GIR gave presentation on Korea’s GHG Management System and GIR’s International Cooperation Work.
Mr. Jung Gak KWON from Ministry of Strategy and Finance of Korea introduced the K-ETS (Korea Emission Trading Scheme).
Mr. Ritu PANTHA from the Ministry of Population and Environmental of Nepal and Mr. Kamal UY from the General Secretariat of National Council for Sustainable Development of Cambodia shared their experiences with GIR’s international cooperation programs.
Nearly 70 people from various countries attended the seminar, and it was able to end successfully with the supports and interests from the people who are keen to combat climate change. Special thanks to the speakers as well as participants.