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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT : Climate Action and Support Transparency Training
Name GIR
Date 2018.03.02
Views 2,189

AUGUST 8, 2017


On 26 June, 30 participants from different corners of the world gathered in a classroom in Seoul. After having been selected from a pool of 210 applicants from 72 countries, this group was about to embark on the first day of a professional training programme on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories.

Unlike many typical week-long training programmes, this particular training was a four-week intensive training course, and structured to address the current gaps, which would allow the trainees to undertake national GHG inventories upon their return. Trainees themselves came willing to participate and engage with the group, and expressed an eagerness to bring the knowledge learned back to their teams at home.

The training was offered in collaboration by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea (GIR), and was the first of its kind under the new UNFCCC-CASTT
initiative on climate action support and transparency training.

Overall, the comprehensive programme looks to facilitate effective and universal participation of countries in the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) arrangements under the UNFCCC and the transparency framework under the Paris Agreement. Its goal is to enhance the technical capacity of necessary individuals, resulting in improvements in competencies needed to contribute to efficient reporting and climate action.

Through a holistic approach to capacity-building and development, the UNFCCC-CASTT programme draws on the knowledge of a multitude of climate change professionals to provide trainees with the theoretical and practical methods needed to take transformative climate action.

The programme can be tailored to policymakers, policy implementers, or focused more specifically for technicians. The GHG training given in partnership with GIR is one of a variety of offerings at the technical level, and can additionally be designed for adaptation, mitigation, or finance, technology transfer and capacity-building.

As a partner of the UNFCCC-CASTT programme, collaborators receive the expertise of the UNFCCC, as well as support in strategy and course development. The programme can serve to augment existing bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation and support arrangements, and can be further expanded through the reach of the UNFCCC channels and partnerships.

Continuous collaboration and additional course development is needed to further the exchange of knowledge and support the enhancement of capacities that developing countries need. The programme is one such step on the path forward of improving technical capacity and data, and looking forward to the Paris Agreement ambition.

The UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT wrapped up the first training session on 20 July, and is one such concrete model of a successful partnership and programme. Trainees left with an enhanced knowledge in the area of GHG inventory, and confidence in the practical application of skills acquired.
To find out more information on the UNFCCC-CASTT programme, visit the UNFCCC website

For information on partnering with the UNFCCC to develop a UNFCCC-CASTT training package, contact: tisu(at)

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