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Title [Upcoming Event] 2022 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on GHGs
Name GIR
Date 2022.04.12
Views 5,757

Greetings from Seoul, Korea.

Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center (GIR), in collaboration with UNFCCC, will hold the 2022 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on GHGs from 23 July to 13 August, 2022.

Applications will open on 19 April and the deadline is 9 May.

Further details will be updated soon, so please keep an eye on the website for upcoming notices.

If you have any inquiries, you are welcome to contact us by email:

Thank you.


① This year's programme will be offered as an in-person event. However, as the safety of our trainees are of utmost importance, the programme may be held as online courses depending on the COVID-19 situation of Korea and abroad. All applicants are asked to take into consideration such possibility in the change of the format of training courses. As any changes will be notified at the website, please check our notices regularly.
* Please note that, if the 2022 programme is changed to virtual lectures due to strengthend COVID-19 measures and entry restrictions to Korea, only selected trainees from 2020-2022 will be invited to the next in-person training programme in the following year(s). The Secretariat will neither accept any new application nor go through the screening process in the respective year.   

② All trainees must be fully vaccinated by the time they enter Korea. Please refer to eligibility requirements below for further details.

Selected trainees from 2020 and 2021 with outstanding performances will receive an invitation letter to 2022 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme via email from 19 April 2022. The Secretariat asks 2020 and 2021 trainees to check their mailbox including spam folder, and reply us by the deadline as informed in the letter.

④ Any potential applicants who are fluent in English but have no proof of proficiency are asked to send an inquiry to the Secretariat via email.


*GIR and UNFCCC are committed to achieving diversity in the trainee pool and encourage people of all backgrounds, irrespective of age, gender, race, nationality, sexual orientation, religious and ethnic backgrounds, disabilities or similar other attributes to apply.
