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Title [Daily Journal] Jermaine Descartes - 6 August, 2022
Name Jermaine Descartes
Date 2022.11.17
Views 361
Name: Jermaine Descartes
Affiliation: Department of Sustainable Development- Saint Lucia
Journal Title: Daily Journal Entry 2
Date: August 6, 2022

Today was yet another Sabbath that I got to experience in the beautiful city of Seoul. To celebrate the Sabbath, my fellow trainee, Sebastien, and I, decided to visit another church in the City.
The Church we visited was the Seventh Day Adventist Seoul English Institute which is located at 33, Mangwooro 18gil, Dongdaemoongu, Seoul.

Picture 1: Walking Towards the Seventh Day Adventist Seoul English Institute

The Service began at 9:30. However, we missed the Sabbath School segment having gone to a previous Church (which only spoke Korean).
We were then re-directed to the English-Speaking Church.

Picture 2: Service Programme

Upon arrival at the Seventh Day Adventist Seoul English Institute, we were warmly greeted by the Deaconesses and directed to the Sanctuary for the Divine Hour Service. The order of the programme was much like that of SDA Namyoung International Church which we visited last Sabbath.

Picture 3: Special Musical 

The music was well-coordinated and beautifully sang by the choristers. A special song was also done via the violin.

Picture 4: Pastor Delivering Message

The message of the day centered on hope and allowing Jesus to be the anchor of our soul in times of hopelessness. We were also encouraged to turn to Jesus and remember all that he has done for us and to not rely on our own strength and works.

Picture 5: Pastor Stressing the Importance of Faith

All in all, it was yet another wonderful fellowship experience.
We returned to the Hotel, where the rest of the day was spent in personal devotion and prayer!
Phrase learnt for the day: Haengbokhan Ansigil, which means Happy Sabbath!

Coordinator's comments:
Another day of the Sabbath Service! If it wasn't your journal, Jermaine, I would not have had a chance in my life to learn about the Sabbath. It helped me to broaden my understanding and perspective on religious diversity. Thank you for sharing your day with us, Jermaine.
I was surprised and amazed (again) that you and Sebastian did a good research to find the church and the right way to the place where you can join the Service. I am not familiar with any terminologies or services at the Church, but one thing I know for sure which makes me happy and relieved is that warm-hearted prayers welcomed you and that you had wonderful Saturday. 
If I meet a colleague who is a Seventh Day Adventist, I shall let her know the phrase "Haengbokhan Ansigil" which I learned from you!