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Title [Daily Journal] Cristian Grisales - 7 August, 2022
Name Cristian Grisales
Date 2022.11.18
Views 422
Name: Cristian Grisales
Affiliation: CAF – Development Bank of Latin America
Journal title: 4th daily report in Korea – Journey on Sunday, August 7th, 2022
Date: Aug 8th, 2022

Dear readers of this daily report, good morning. 
The name of its noble rapporteur is Cristian Grisales, Senior Climate Change Executive at CAF, the Green Bank of Latin America. 

Sunday started with a visit to the Harry Potter Cafe in Hongdae. This café named 43 King’s Cross, delights visitors with food and dining rooms that are inspired by the Wizarding World.

Picture taken from:

In this place we delight ourselves with a plate with a complete pork leg and two delicious beers, named as it is done in the fantastic saga that, surely, we have all seen. 


Afterwards, we moved on to the National Museum of Korea, where we witnessed the history of the entire region, from the wonderful archaeological treasures to the incredible infographics available in each exhibit.


It was wonderful to be able to witness millennia of culture and history.


As part of the visit, we were fortunate to coincide with a traveling exhibition of Aztec culture, which spread throughout what is now Mexico. 
It was very interesting to be close to the archeology of Latin America again and to be able to feel belonging to it.

Coordinator's comments:
Hongdae has long been known as a town for the youth with countless shops, cafes, restaurants and venues for entertainment. Your journal tells me that Hongdae indeed is a town for those who look for fascinating places. Never imagined there would be a Harry potter cafe in Seoul. If I have a chance to visit there, I shall try the Hagrid cake. I am pretty much sure you enjoyed the giant pork leg and beers - roasted pork and beer never fail us.
The National Museum is always a great spot to visit at all times. Exhibitions on artefacts and ancient treasures of Korea are also very much loved by the locals, and I assume that is because of the feeling of being belonged which we commonly have just like what you felt towards the Aztec culture exhibition. If I remember correctly, you told me about that Aztec exhibition. Next time the Museum organizes a special exhibit on Latin America related history and culture, I will not miss it and can say for sure that you and our fellows from Americas will come across my mind!