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Title [Daily Journal] Canet Cengiz Durmuş - 6 August, 2022
Name Canet Cengiz Durmuş
Date 2022.11.17
Views 374
Name: Canet Cengiz Durmuş
Journal Name: Free weekend
Date: 06 August 2022

We were supposed to have classes on Sunday of the second weekend. Due to some health issues our lecturer would not be able to attend the class, so we had a whole weekend of free time. 

After a long week with country presentations and classes we earned to do some shopping. Seoul has many different shopping areas with different themes. We decided to go Myeondong street to but some cosmetics for ourselves and for family /friends. Since Korean people are famous with their bright and smooth skins, there must be also a connection with the products they use.


Our hotel is very convenient and we can go everywhere easily by subway. 
After a short journey with metro, we arrived Myeondong district. I realised that there many creative statutes and figure scattered all around the city. One of them welcomed us just before we enter the Myeondong shopping area. There were also many street foods but a little bit modern tastes. 

There were different shops with different products and with many varieties. I should admit that I wasn’t expecting to buy this many cosmetics. If it wasn’t raining, I would like to spend more time there and explore the area. 

I might have not felt fulfilled for shopping so I joined two other friend for a trip to Insasond. It was a little bit late in the afternoon so most of the shops were closing but it was still nice to see many traditional arts of Korea there. I admired once again how Korean people are fond on details. 

Although I haven’t bought many things there but I was able to catch the cotton candy sunset. Just before heading to the hotel we enjoyed a traditional bingsu dessert, made from trashed ice and black bean paste and dried fruits. This was my second time of eating bingsu and liked it very much. It reminded me a similar desert in my country. 

I cannot believe that two weeks has already passed and we are heading to the last week of the programme. I started to feel a little bit homesick and in the meantime sorry that I’ll be leaving Korea soon.

Coordinator's comments:
Yes, the hotel was very conveniently located with nearby subway stations and bus stops which must have been good for everyone to travel places around Seoul. I can see that you took advantage of it and made the most of your time here too, just like fellow trainees did which is wonderful! 
Insadong is indeed a recommended place to those who have a keen eye to finely crafted traditional products.
Likewise, I did not buy much at Insadong during my last visit but rather enjoyed exploring and observing traditional designs of beautiful furnitures and ornaments as well as scenaries of streets.
Next time, I shall try the hand-pulled cotton candy again of which I can hardly recall the taste since I haven't been there for million years!