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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Lini Ariva - 6 August, 2022
Name Lini Ariva
Date 2022.11.17
Views 320

Coordinator's comments:
It always fascinates me when reading journals that are full of adventures. I personally think that summer and autumn are the best seasons to enjoy Cheonggyecheon stream, and, though it would've been much more beautiful if the weather was clear, your visit to the stream was a very timely one to enjoy greens, gentle trickling sounds of water and flowers.  
Next time I visit the Gyeongbokgung Palace, I should explore the place in a more detailed way just like you did. I guess this is why I like journals of yours and fellow trainees because they motivate me to see ordinary things and everyday scenes in Korea from different and refreshing perspective. 
Kyobo bookstore's founder CEO valued the culture of reading books of the Korean public which led to making the store not only a book-selling place but a book-reading space where everyone can come and freely read books. I am so delighted to know that you visited Gwanghwamun branch which is one of my favourite Kyobo branches!